Poly-Coat Certified Installation Instructions
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____Step 1:
Sweep or power blow entire floor surface area.
____Step 2:
Typically, old concrete floors have contaminants which must be removed prior to coating. Using a diluted degreaser and hot water, you should scrub those areas vigorously. Heavy contaminated or oily areas should be concentrated and repeated if necessary. Grinding should be done if degreaser is ineffective.
____Step 3:
Add acid granules floor prep solution into 5 quarts of chilly water in a plastic sprinkling can or plastic pump sprayer and mix until diluted. (Prep solution is not necessary if floor was diamond ground). For Industrial/Commercial floors we recommend shotblasting or diamond grinding.
____Step 4:
Apply the premix evenly over the surface. Do not expect foaming. Scrub the premix into the surface with a stiff bristled broom.
____Step 5:
After application of floor prep, double rinse the surface with a water hose. Scrub while rinsing to insure removal of all loosened material.
After the surface has dried, check any glossy or oily areas by applying a few drops of water. If water does not penetrate quickly, re-etch the affected areas.
Note: Muriatic acid can be used in place of clean and prep solution in the same fashion.
Allow the floor to dry fully before coating. A power blower can be used to assist in the evaporation of the remaining water. Once your floor is dry, rub your fingers on the concrete and check your fingers for a film. If there is no film, you are prepared for application of the coating. Remember you must remove contaminants and create a profile before coating, or your coating will not adhere correctly.
Mixing Instructions
____Step 6:
Into the large, mixing bucket, pour all Part “B” EPOXY ACTIVATOR/HARDENER contents.
____Step 7:
Mix all of Part “A” of Epoxy in its original bucket for 3 minutes. **If the color is not what you like “STOP,” do not activate and contact PerformanceDIY.com for options. Activation, mixing or application will NOT change color. *
Pour all pre-mixed contents of Epoxy Part “A” RESIN into large bucket and mix along with Part “B” in the large container for 3minutes.
If more than one kit is being used, please check batch numbers on the top of part “A” lid. If different batch mix all colored Part “A” resins together for color consistency If the color is not what you like “STOP,” do not activate and contact Performance-Coat for options as activation, mixing or application will NOT change color.
Please Note: Mixing must be very thorough (3 minutes), or the coating will not cure and clean up, and removal of the uncured epoxy will be costly and very time consuming. Do not wipe the sides of the mixing bucket between mixes or after the final mix as there may be residual unmixed epoxy. The residual epoxy in the mixing bucket will not adversely affect the future epoxy mixes.
____Step 8:
After mixing Part “A” and Part “B” Immediately pour ALL mixed contents in a line on the floor (Do not leave any mixed coating in the bucket for cut in, use the material on the floor to cut in around perimeter). Starting in the farthest corner of the room, pour mixed contents (parallel to and approx. two’ from the wall”). Using the kit brush, cut in the perimeter walls or any other obstruction that may be hard to roll. For a full kit pour half of the mixed contents parallel to the wall and half parallel to the first pour in the center of the room. You will have two equal lines of materials approximately 3”-4” wide separated approximately 8’-12’.
Please Note: After pouring mixed coating from the bucket to the floor, you have 30-40 minutes working time @ 70 degrees F (lower at higher temps).
Application Instructions:
____Step 9:
Using the kit squeegee, (perpendicular to the poured line of epoxy) draw the epoxy from the back wall with the squeegee until there is no longer wet epoxy to draw back. Continue to squeegee pulling this product down the line until complete.
____Step 10:
With the kit roller, perpendicular to squeegee application, roll the epoxy until even and consistent.
____Step 11:
After the second section is squeegeed and rolled, go back to the first section and re-back roll it completely (approx. 5 minutes after first back roll).
____Step 12:
Flake Application for Base Epoxy Coat
Taking a pinch amount of flake chips , apply by throwing the flakes into the air a minimum of 5’ or higher preferably bouncing off the ceiling. Apply evenly throughout the entire floor. Re-apply flake chips in the same manner until flake density is achieved and consistent.
Note: You will want to apply smaller amounts so you can have enough for an even more consistent look. If you apply larger amounts at the beginning you may run short on flake chips to give an even look. Only flake a section after the floor area looks satisfactory as once you flake the floor you will not be able to re-back roll again. Applying more flakes to the floor will hide inconsistencies and patching in the concrete better than less flake. Heavier flakes make the floor more uniform in appearance.
Clean squeegee while still wet with xylene or MEK thinner for use in next coat.
PerformanceDIY.com Poly 300 Clear Top Coat mixing instructions:
NOTE: After 8 hours, you can apply Poly 300. If you wait more than 24 hours, you need to sand the surface with 100-120 grit to get the bond back.
WARNING: Wear protective gloves, clothing, glasses, spike shoes when using this product. Proper ventilation is required for use. See the SDS sheet for more information, available at PerformanceDIY.com.
____Step 13: :
Into the large mixing bucket, pour 1/2 Part “B” POLY ACTIVATOR/HARDENER contents.
____Step 14:
Into the large mixing bucket, pour 1/2 Part “A” of Poly and mix with Part “B” for 2 minutes. Pour all mixed contents of Poly evenly and parallel to and 6” from the wall. Leave a small amount and cut in half of the floor.
____Step 15: Using the kit squeegee, (perpendicular to the poured line of poly) draw the poly from the back wall with the squeegee until there is no longer wet poly to draw back. Continue to squeegee pulling this product down the line until complete.
____Step 16:
With the kit roller, perpendicular to squeegee application, roll the poly until even and consistent.
Repeat Steps 13-16 to complete the second half of floor.
____Step 18:
After the second section is squeegeed and rolled, go back, and re-roll the entire floor.
If you desire to have aluminum oxide nonskid added to the floor broadcast aluminum oxide non-skid over the floor after final back-rolling. Taking a pinch amount apply by throwing the non-skid into the air a minimum of 5’ or higher. Re-bounding the non-skid off the ceiling is a good idea to get even coverage.
Note: Aluminum oxide will make the floor more slip resistant but will make it harder to clean; it should be used according to your desired needs. PerformanceDIY.com non-skid additive is industry standard and accepted means for creating a proper recommended OSHA 0.5 COEFFECIENT FRICTION slip resistant non-skid surface.