Commercial Kits 15/30 Instructions Ab

Commercial Kits 15/30 Installation Instructions

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Mixing 15–30-gallon kits 

NOTE: Mixes should be made in 3-gallon batches for ease of application.  

 Step 4:  

Pre-mix part “A” Resins thoroughly (2 minutes) in its original bucket. If the color is not what you like “STOP,” do not activate, and contact for options as activation, mixing or application will NOT change color. 

If more than one kit is being used, please check batch numbers on the top of part “A” lid. If different batch mix all colored Part “A” resins together for color consistency If the color is not what you like “STOP,” do not activate and contact for options as activation, mixing or application will NOT change color. 

 Step 5:  

Install Spike Shoes. 

Place measuring stick in the extra provided mixing bucket, and pour non mixed Part B to the first line labeled Part B.  

 Step 6: 

Once ready to start coating, pour Part A onto the Part B in mixing bucket to the second line Labeled Part A.  

 Step 7: 

Mixes must be power mixed for a minimum of 3 minutes in an up down and rotational fashion assuring all contents are mixed completely. IMMEDIATELY pour its contents parallel (6” wide) to furthest wall. Bring empty bucket back to the mixing station. Do not leave mixed epoxy in the bucket, contents must be immediately poured onto the floor. 

Note: Resin or Activator can serve as a contaminant so neither unmixed product can be allowed to contact the floor coating area.  

Step 8: 

Cut in edges with brushes and small rollers. 

Step 9:  

Squeegee apply at a rate of 40-160 S.F. per gallon. Back roll the coating perpendicular to the squeegee direction. Back rolling should be performed with a 3/8’’ nap roller. Back rolling should be in opposite directions a minimum of 2 times (up & back 20 minutes apart). 

Note: You must schedule the 3rd final back rolling person an additional 30 minutes after 2nd final back rolling to assure uniformity. Fisheyes from contaminants must be re-rolled until the coating is dry enough for fisheye elimination. Rolling must be done in a square pattern preferably to mortar joints; this will reduce a noticeable change in color. Bubbles must be blown out of the floor with a power blower if this condition occurs, in extreme cases and for up to 1.5 hours after completion: (Turning down the temperature by 10-15 degrees F during application of the topcoat will reduce surface tension and bubbling)